Railway Empire 2

Cosplayers spend an incredible amount of time crafting amazing costumes that are unbelievably faithful to their source material. Over the years, we’ve seen countless Mario cosplayers who have cooked up some fantastic designs based on the many characters in the franchise, and there’s no doubt more to come.

Some of those talented cosplayers were on display at Fan Expo in Dallas, but a particular group of fans decided to do something a little different with their costumes. Rather than recreate a character from one of Mario’s games, they decided to craft a look to honor the man who brings Mario to life.

Rather than dress up as Mario, these cosplayers wanted to pay tribute to Charles Martinet, the longtime voice of Mario. They went to Martinet’s Wikipedia page and used the main image as their source of inspiration. They recreated the look that Martinet is sporting in that picture, and then introduced themselves to Charles at Fan Expo Dallas. You can see a picture of the meeting above.

Martinet was so tickled by the cosplay that he even invited the gang up on stage during his panel at Fan Expo. Charles is always an absolute joy to be around, and he clearly loves spending time with fans. The fact that he brought these cosplayers up on stage to show off their work is yet another example of just how great of a guy Charles is!

Thanks to Tara for the heads up!

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